Blue Access for Producers

Frequently Asked PDF Questions

Do I need special software to view or download a PDF file?

Once I have the software, how do I view a PDF file?

How do I download a PDF file?

I have the Adobe Reader software installed on my computer, but I'm having problems accessing the file. What do I need to do?


Q: Do I need special software to view or download a PDF file?

A: Acrobat Reader will allow you to access PDF files. If you currently don't have the software, you can get a free copy from the Adobe Systems Incorporated Web site .

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Q: Once I have the software, how do I view a PDF file?

A: With your mouse click once on the PDF of your choice and you should be prompted with two choices for what to do with the file. One selection should read either "open it" or "execute from destination." To view the PDF online, select this option, click OK and the file will open on your screen.

NOTE: The exact language used in the prompt may vary depending on the browser type and version you are using to access the Internet.

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Q: How do I download and save a PDF file?

A: With your mouse click once on the PDF of your choice and you should be prompted with two choices for what to do with the file. One selection should read either "save file" or "save it to disk." To download and save a copy of the file on your computer, select this option and click OK. You will then be asked to select a destination on a disk or your hard drive. Select "save as" and choose a destination. The file will start to download until you receive a message box telling you that the "download is complete." Now the file is located on your hard drive or disk, in the destination you selected.

Now that you have the publication in PDF format downloaded and saved on your system you can access, view and print it.  Please remember that you do need Adobe Acrobat® Reader to view the file.  All you need to do is to go to that destination and double click on the file name you downloaded. The file will start to extract itself.

NOTE: The exact language used in the prompt may vary depending on the browser type and version you are using to access the Internet.

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Q: I have the Adobe Reader software installed on my computer, but I'm having problems accessing the file. What do I need to do?

A: If you are having difficulty downloading PDFs it may have to do with your desktop configuration. There are minimum system requirements to download a PDF.   You can access a comprehensive list of minimum system requirements  on the Adobe Acrobat Web site.

If your system meets the minimum requirements, and you are still unable to download the file, try these steps:

  1. Right click on the file name.

  2. Save the file to a directory of your choice.

  3. Open it after download.

If you are still unable to view or download the material, visit the Adobe Customer Support Web site  where you will find several troubleshooting suggestions. Please note that Adobe does NOT offer free phone support.

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